Kingdom chat for people in the Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaIn the Kingdom Chat application, there are many features and many sections Chat sectionAnd discover friends sectionAnd a short video sectionForum sectionand play gamesAnd other sectionsBy using the Application, you agree to the Terms of Use.Warranty and safetyProtecting your information and communicating with your friends and lovers is safe with the Arab Chat application. The program works on the most powerful global servers to protect you, which ensures that the program works 24/24 hours without stoppingsend filesIn the Arab Chat program, you can send files, photos, video clips and audio clips.Net chat is distinguished from all written chat applications in that it does not save any conversations or pictures, not even any shared files, and it is the only application that you can register in without the need for a number or email.(UGC user acceptance requirement):We are very keen to observe the applicable privacy policy regarding the users acceptance of UGC, which made us develop a strict ban feature in the event that the subscriber does not comply with the implementation of the agreement (Usage Policy) and the administration will take measures in this regard, including:✔ Block abusive users who break our Terms of Use.✔ Remove objectionable content (texts + media) at maximum speed.✔ We have a system to report objectionable content.privacy policy : real estate D8%B1%D8%A6%D8%D8%B3%D8%A%D8%A9